Thursday, August 25, 2016

Types of Headlines That Get The Most Traffic Today

web traffic experts
As you build content marketing collateral for your website, you’re going to find that there are a lot options at your disposal. There are various types of headlines that you’re no doubt going to want to push forward. Referred to as titles, you will find that the way that you title your posts dictates how big your audience will be after you publish the items. After exploring the most popular of options, there are a few things that you will no doubt want to consider in regards to the most traffic getting pieces of content marketing.

The Top Anything List Works Amazing 

When it comes to posting lists, you’re going to find that people will read them no matter how many you have. Top 5 lists obviously are huge, but if you go above and beyond to different numbers, you will see a huge increase. If you can get through posting a top 25 or even top 50 list, expect to see a huge jump in your traffic down the line. Lists are great, and can bring about a lot of traffic in just about any niche that you can think about today.

Give Stuff Away 

Whenever a title or headline uses the words “Free” or “Win”, the traffic jumps. Giving stuff away is a good thing, especially when you give something away of extra value. The more valuable the prize may be, the better the traffic is going to be in terms of a response. Giving things away has an inherent value to the reader, as they will be able to get something in favor of reading, and interacting with your website or social media profile. There’s a little give and take here, but in the end, everyone wins.

Video Works Very Well In Social Media

Social media titles are great, but if you have a video, expect a rush of interaction. People love videos across social network, and it can drive traffic to all new ends. Different audiences enjoy various types of posts, but video captures more views, hits, and interactions than any other type of content you can post on social sites.

Images Work Amazingly Well 

One of the biggest ways to get search engines to find you, and get more traffic overall is to use images. Using unique, well-lit images can get you a lot of hits fast. The key is to make sure that you work with SEO to highlight each upload you create for your site. Images rarely fail to get attention online, especially when they are unique, and used as part of content marketing elements. Mix media by adding an info graphic to your portfolio and you’ll see huge gains.

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